Take me out to the ballgame! Hollister Night with the Springfield Cardinals vs. Midland Rockhounds is Friday, May 17, at 6:35 p.m. Tickets are only $10. The award winning Hollister High School Tiger Pride Band will perform outside the stadium prior to the game. The Hollister High School choir will perform the National Anthem. The Hollister Middle School will perform “God Bless America.” The Hollister Cub Choir will perform “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” during the seventh inning stretch. Fireworks will be presented following the game.
Tickets available at Hollister Country Mart, Hollister R-V Schools and Hollister Chamber. For more information, phone 417-334-3050 or go to HollisterChamber.net. Here is the link to buy tickets: https://hollisterareachamberofcommerce.wildapricot.org/event-5694156