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Tri-Lakes Amateur Radio Club Field Day is June 22, public is invited

Writer's picture: Submitted to Branson GlobeSubmitted to Branson Globe

Field Day is ham radio's open houseEvery June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933 and remains the most popular event in ham radio.


The Tri-Lakes Amateur Radio Club Field Day 2024 is Saturday, June 22 and is open to the public. TLARC is operating an abbreviated on-the-air event beginning with a social meeting at 1000 (10 a.m.) and powering up the radios for the 1300 (1 p.m.) kick-off of Field Day ending at 2200 (10 p.m.) Saturday evening.  


Tri-Lakes Amateur Radio Club (TLARC) will deploy to 548 Branson Landing Boulevard, immediately north of Branson’s Cox Hospital. Limited parking is available at the site. GPS Coordinates: N32º 11’ 56.5”  W084º 07’ 49.3”


The station call sign for Field Day will be WØTRI operating on the amateur radio bands in both phone and Morse code. In addition, the club will be operating in digital modes on the HF bands. New radio operating systems are also compatible with both internet and cellular phone systems such as Digital Mobile Radio (DMR), Echolink and AllStar. TLARC has recently enhanced its entire system of communications throughout southwest Missouri.


Visitors to Branson environs may want to tune in on the club’s local VHF repeater at 147.195 MHz (+0.6 offset and 162.5 tone); the NØNWS repeater on 145.410 MHz, (-0.6 offset and 136.5 tone); and either the DMR NYØJ repeater on 145.150 (+0.6, CC5), Echolink (Node 170228) or Allstar (61002) smart phone apps. Listen in only on the Tri-Lakes Amateur Radio Club repeater on the Broadcastify smartphone app for Taney County, Missouri. 


Recently, TLARC has partnered with local emergency services to display COX Mobile Communications Unit.  The new mobile equipment houses radio and telecommunications equipment to support local needs using a variety of equipment to support law enforcement, fire, hospital and southwest Missouri emergency management needs.  This new equipment offers additional capabilities packaged in one unit and funded by your federal tax dollars.


Field Day 2024 is open to the public and newcomers are welcome to learn more about amateur radio.  Each month, the club has guest speakers and plans on offering a unique “Boot Camp” to those interested in obtaining the “technicians” license.  Details will be posted on the TLARC website regarding upcoming events, including meetings and training programs.

Note of thanks from President of Tri-Lakes Amateur Radio Club, Branson

The City of Branson has issued a Proclamation for the 2024 TLARC Field Day event recognizing the achievements of the radio club and its efforts in enhancing emergency communications.

The Tri-Lakes Amateur Radio Club (TLARC) is very excited to receive this honor from the City of Branson proclaiming June 16-22 as Amateur Radio Week in Branson, Missouri. This Proclamation will coincide with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day on June 22.

TLARC wishes to thank the Branson Mayor and the Branson Board of Aldermen for this honor. We would also like to especially thank alderman Glenn Schultz (Amateur Radio Callsign - W9IQ) for his time and effort in bringing amateur radio to public awareness through this proclamation.

Again, we are very honored.

Bill Hensley, President TLARC

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