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Area candidates answer questions prior to August elections

Writer's picture: K.D. MichaelsK.D. Michaels

In an effort to help our Branson Globe readers make informed decisions when going to the polls on election day, we submitted a list of questions to each candidate in all of the contested races in the upcoming Taney County and Stone County elections.

Each candidate received the same questions.

  1. Give me a brief background on yourself, please.

  2. What are three things that your campaign is based upon?

  3. What do you feel are the top challenges that our area faces, and how do you plan to help with those challenges?

  4. What makes you the best qualified candidate for the position?

  5. Can you please give me a brief statement asking readers to vote for you?

Following are the responses from candidates in the races for Taney County Assessor, Stone County Sheriff, Taney County Eastern District Commissioner, Stone County Northern District Commissioner, and Stone County Southern District Commissioner.

Taney County: Assessor

Davy Wilson

1.  I am a Missouri native and the owner and Master Barber of Wilson & Co. Barbershop in Hollister. I met my wife, Lydia Wilson in 1992 and we married the following year. We share two children, Stephen and Faith, both graduates of School of the Ozarks. I am also a dedicated bladesmith. I competed on Forged in Fire and became a season 8 champion. In our spare time, my wife and I enjoy shooting archery together and spending time with our grandchildren, Keva and Jackie. I am not a politician, I am a person, just like you. I’m a small business owner who has felt the weight of government overreach and overregulation, and as your next assessor, I want to get the government out of the way of your success. I want to bring back openness and transparency to the assessor’s office, lower taxes and cut government red tape. I am a Christian, conservative, Republican in that order and will govern like one. I believe I am the right choice for Taney County Assessor, and I would appreciate everyone’s vote on August 6!   

2. Transparency, service, ending constant tax increases

3. It is no secret that we are in the middle of a recession. How to pay the ever-increasing prices of everyday items such as groceries, fuel and other necessities are some of the biggest challenges facing our community. Parents are wondering how they are going to make ends meet, and business owners are wondering how they are going to keep their doors open. As your next assessor, I want to keep the assessed values of real property and personal property as low as possible. I will find ways to cut taxes, and end the current assessor’s practice of continuing to increase them. I will put the brakes on raising the tax index and will stand up for the rights of my neighbors in Taney County.

4. I am service-oriented and have served the citizens of Taney County for the last seventeen years. I have spent my entire life serving people, whether through church, at the barbershop or various charitable efforts in the community. I listen to folks and seek to understand their needs—working hand-in-hand to solve problems collaboratively. As a small business owner and property owner, I uniquely understand the challenges that our citizens are going through. I know the impact that an unfair, or unjust, assessment can have for a person and I want to make sure the assessor’s office is being fair to all with an eye on keeping taxes LOW for the people of Taney County. My unique qualification is that I come at this position not as a politician, but as a person, and we need more of that in government.

5. For a strong, conservative voice in the Taney County Assessor’s Office, with the skills of a master barber and knife-maker that will come in handy when cutting through government red tape, Vote Davy Wilson for Assessor on August 6!

Taney County Assessor

Susan Chapman

1. My background; Branson HS graduate, BS-Chemistry-UMKC, Mother of five (Branson Schools, four children, University of MO, fifth child graduated from West Point Memorial Day weekend 2024), Real Estate BROKER, Financial Analyst, retail business owner, customer service in family service business. Chemist in corporations.

2. Fairness, service, ethics. Most people do not understand what the assessor does. I use this simple example. Six of us go to a restaurant for dinner. Five people order grilled cheese and one person orders steak.  When the check comes, the person who ordered the steak says “let’s split the bill six ways and be done with it.” The five people with the grilled cheese are not happy with that, and they decide on per person at the table to split the bill. That person is the assessor. I did not price the menu and I did not tell you what to order. I just need to assign accurate portions to each person.

3. Taney County is known for low taxes. There are NO NEW TAXES from the assessor office. We use the same cost system that has been in place since the 1980s. We are now equalizing, so that everyone is valued consistently. Business, residential, and agricultural need to have fair and accurate assessments. Only the legislature or the voting public can create a new tax. I have put all property record cards (PRCs) with sketches, measurements and components on the county website, so that taxpayers can check the work of the assessor. Impact notices are also listed and show if a valuation goes up by as little as one dollar. The public can easily request information from the interactive buttons on the site. We now let the public know what areas we plan to cover so they can watch for our trucks/appraisers. We do, however, cover new construction wherever it pops up.

We also assist seniors to get them their $948 real estate credit from the state, whether they are an owner or a renter. And we will be assisting the collector with the SB190 property tax freeze that recently passed in Taney County. I will do everything in my power to make sure ALL BUSINESSES are treated fairly. Short term/nightly rentals should be 100% commercial, the same as hotels/motels. The MO statutes say they are 100% commercial, and the surrounding counties also treat ALL nightly rentals as 100% commercial. This is my first term, and when I started, we had approximately 4,500 nightly rentals. That number is now close to 11,000. If they were assessed by statute our taxes would go down.

4. I have experience and training in real estate. Seven years as a broker/realtor doing 400-600 appraisal/opinions a year for banks. I have taken approximately 240 (college level) credit hours, in state/international approved assessor classes; in addition, I have passed the tests and brought income and finance options to local businesses. I do not accept campaign contributions, as I do not want to be beholden to anyone. I did not accept contributions in the last election either.  Every two years I take ethics, fair housing classes for the NAR (Realtors license). I have knowledge of real estate, math, computing, construction. I have a strong math background and write financial programs in Excel for the income and expense approach for business and low-income housing. This alternative valuation is allowed by the State Tax Commission and helped many businesses during COVID. I work between departments to update technology sharing. Thirty years remodeling experience and cost estimating.

5. My name is Susan Chapman, and I humbly ask for your vote. In return I will work full-time to accomplish our goals. I will try to keep your valuations low, as I did for your personal property in 2021, 2022 and 2023, when I held us at the 2020 rates due to a loophole in the statutes. And I will work to bring money into the county as when I persuaded the State Tax Commission to hold their conferences here for a two-year period bringing in approximately $500,000 and advertising for our area to the 113 counties that were mandated to be here. PLEASE Vote Susan Chapman for Assessor.

Stone County Sheriff

Doug Rader

1. I was born and raised in Webster County in the little community of “Rader.” Attended Conway Schools all 12 years. Attended the Mizzou Law Enforcement Training Institute in February of 1990 for my law enforcement academy.

Doug Rader work history:

1990-1993 Versailles, MO, Police Department - Police Officer

1993-2004 Northeast MO Narcotics Task Force

1993-1994 Undercover

1994-1997 Narcotics Detective

1997-2000 Sergeant over Field Operations

2000-2004 Director of Operations - Captain

2004-2013 - Branson West Police Department - Police Chief

2013-Present Stone County Sheriff’s Office - Sheriff

2. Public service - I have consistently used “Your Public Servant” as my mission and mantra. I have never wavered from that. The deputies and I understand that we work for the people of Stone County. We have accomplished so much over the last 12 years. We have increased the number of road deputies, increased the deputies’ pay, started a Citizens

Academy, upgraded our computer forensics, placed deputies in all five schools, upgraded the jail, added the River Patrol, installed computers in all patrol vehicles, and provided the best service possible for our citizens. I am running for sheriff again because this is my passion. I care deeply about Stone County and the citizens of this county. My family is among those citizens. I have invested 20 years of my life serving the citizens of Stone County. My staff and I are constantly working on the future to make sure the Sheriff’s Office provides the best service for years to come.

Trust - I appreciate the trust the citizens of Stone County have placed in me and the Stone County Sheriff’s Office. The sheriff is the only law enforcement role that is elected and works for the people. I have represented Stone County locally, across the state and nationally. I have represented Stone County nationally on the “In God We Trust” stickers and throughout a major catastrophe. I receive calls or have contact with citizens of Stone County on a daily basis wanting help with their issues or problems. I truly appreciate the trust that the citizens have in me and my team to help them. We will continue to build the trust of Stone County Citizens through our actions.

Community leadership and support - Our community involvement is based on honor, integrity and transparency. The Sheriff’s Office hosts a Stone County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Academy every year. We provide our citizens with an inside look at the responsibilities of the sheriff’s office. This academy has been a huge success, and it is our way of giving back to the citizens of Stone County. Out of this academy, the alumni have formed the Stone County Citizens In Action (CIA). They are a citizens’ support group to the sheriff’s office and are extremely involved with the sheriff’s office. They know me and the majority of our staff personally. I have also been involved with fundraisers throughout Stone County. I have used my auctioneering skills to raise money for cancer patients, community organizations and school projects. In 2023, I volunteered and sold over $120,000 in goods to raise money here in Stone County. We are involved in the Table Rock Chamber of Commerce, Table Rock Rotary Club and many other organizations in Stone County. We represent the Stone County Sheriff’s Office with honor and integrity with all of our involvement in the community.

3. Our biggest issue right now is one that every law enforcement agency is facing. We are experiencing a nationwide decline in qualified law enforcement officers. Every agency from the MO Highway Patrol, police departments, and sheriffs’ offices are shorthanded and are actively recruiting. Through Prop P we have been able to raise our salaries and grow from 18 to 24 patrol deputies. We are actively and consistently working on an improved recruiting strategy to bring in qualified applicants. Then we work very hard to develop and retain our great deputies. With all the growth in Stone County in the last decade, it is also harder to find affordable housing for new deputies to move to this area.

We consider it an honor to have a voice in economic development for our community, hoping to continue to bring in opportunities for growth and affordable housing. We believe if we can recruit the best and brightest and keep them, the other challenges fall in line as manageable. Having been a uniformed officer at all levels of service for 34 consecutive years, I strive to never forget what employment, security, safety and training look like through the eyes of my deputies.

4. I am the only candidate that has 12 years of experience as a sheriff. I am the only candidate with 34 years of consecutive law enforcement experience. I am the only candidate with 26 consecutive years in a leadership position. I am the only candidate who has served the citizens of Stone County for 20 years. I am the only candidate who has worked law enforcement in Missouri or Stone County. I am the only candidate that deeply understands and stays abreast on Missouri law and liability. I am the only candidate that has managed a budget over $200,000, and the sheriff’s office budget is approximately $6 million. I am the only candidate that has led or managed over two-three law enforcement officers and Stone County Sheriff’s Office has 68 employees. I am the only candidate that has managed a jail. We have built relationships with citizens, businesses and community organizations throughout Stone County benefitting all of Stone County.

5. My staff and I have a proven track record of providing quality law enforcement services to the citizens of Stone County. We have a proven record of being fiscally responsible with the taxpayers’ money and have never been over budget the last 11 years. I am a strong 2nd amendment supporter! I also want to address that the sheriff’s office works together with the eight fire departments and EMS on a daily basis. I have spoken with all the fire chiefs in

Stone County recently and no issues between agencies have surfaced as my opponent has cited. When a crisis or threat hits our community, law enforcement, fire, and EMS all must work together without concern for who gets the credit or criticism. I work hard to ensure we act within the mindset of together for the people…not politics.

We work with all six of our police departments in Stone County on a daily basis. All six police chiefs are reserve deputies with the Stone County Sheriff’s Office and we provide training for those departments. We provide law enforcement services to the cities when they do not have 24-hour coverage. We provide mutual aid to them when help is needed. We are proud of our working relationships with all our first responders in Stone County. I appreciate the trust that the Stone County citizens have given me as their sheriff. My family and I thank you. I would appreciate your vote on August 6.

The Branson Globe reached out to Jeff Heinzl, who is running for Stone County Sheriff, but received no response.

Taney County Eastern District Commissioner

Shane Keys

1. I am a Christian, conservative, Republican Candidate. I’m married to my wife Ammie and we have three children. I am a lifelong resident of Taney County and attend BLOOM Church. I graduated from Forsyth High School in 1999 and studied Criminal Justice at College of the Ozarks. I began my law enforcement career in 2003 as a 911 Communications Officer. I graduated from Drury University Law Enforcement Academy in 2005 and accepted a position as a Deputy Sheriff with the Taney County Sheriff’s Office. I volunteered for an undercover narcotics position with the COMET Drug Task Force (Combined Ozarks Multi-Jurisdictional Enforcement Team) at the end of 2005. I served in an undercover capacity for three years serving Taney County and six other surrounding counties. In 2009 I returned to the Taney County Sheriff’s Office as a detective to use my experience and training to focus solely on the needs of Taney County. I currently serve as a detective assigned to major crimes in Taney County ranging from homicide, serious assaults, child abuse, sex offenses and death investigations. I also serve as a defensive tactics instructor and liaison for large special events. I hope to earn your vote on August 6!

2. I have learned during my 20-plus years of being a public servant, that the cornerstone of public service is integrity, professionalism and transparency. I believe from years of personal experience that all of those must be present to ensure trust between the government and the people it represents and serves.

Integrity - Is best described as doing what’s right when no one is looking on an everyday basis. As a law enforcement officer, I took an oath to serve the public almost verbatim to the one I would take if elected as your next Eastern District Commissioner. I understand the level of integrity that is both expected and required for this position. It’s crucial a commissioner and candidates operate within the legal guidelines of Missouri State Statutes both before taking office and during their time in office.

Professionalism - Every day that I go to work I wear a badge and a gun. Those are both visual reminders of my obligation and duty of professionalism. I represent myself as a person, my department, the sheriff, and each resident of Taney County. This position is for Eastern District Commissioner but ultimately represents the entire county. I understand how important professionalism is for this position.

Transparency - It’s very important to me that you know exactly who I am as a candidate, and when elected, that you know exactly what I am doing in office. Humans are more often than not creatures of habit. I want you to be able to see that the same person I am today as a candidate, is who I was before I filed to run for office. I think you will see a clear and consistent pattern of transparency. When elected, I will make sure to give regular updates about the work that the office is doing, and how we are serving the community. We are PUBLIC SERVANTS, not elected masters, and we need to always remember we serve the people and they should know what their government is doing for them.

3. I think the current commission has initiated a great start to several much-needed infrastructure projects in our community through revenue generated from sales tax and ARPA funds. I think it is vital that our next Eastern District 2 Commissioner fights to continue the success of White River Connect and continued clean water initiatives. Eastern District residents deserve the same access to quality high speed internet as other county residents for personal, business, farm and educational needs, and I want to work to make sure they get it. I believe we need to continue to support sewer projects throughout the county that include new extensions to centralized sewers and replacing old equipment with new and updated technology in our treatment facilities. These types of projects add value to properties and can provide new economic development to our communities, which in turn will generate revenue to help support future projects all across the county.  We also need to continue to work to find solutions for the affordable housing deficit facing our municipal partners in the western district.

4. I have worked hard over my 20-year law enforcement career to make our communities safer for our families. I understand the importance of honesty, integrity and the traditional values that define our county. I have witnessed firsthand both the challenges and opportunities that our county faces, preparing me to serve you as a commissioner. I will ensure your problems and concerns get the attention they deserve, and relentlessly fight for you in defending our freedom and liberty, constitutional rights and way of life.

I am a conservative candidate and understand the importance of responsibly spending your tax dollars and cutting government red tape. I don’t have any conflicts of interest from personal businesses or partnerships in investment properties that I stand to financially profit from, or take time away from the duties and responsibilities of being a full-time commissioner. I am committed to serving you.

5. It’s been an honor to serve you, the citizens of Taney County for the last 20 years with the sheriff’s office. I ask that you place your trust in me to work for you with the same integrity, professionalism and transparency as your EASTERN DISTRICT 2 COMMISSIONER. I am asking for your vote on August 6!

Taney County Eastern District Commissioner

Beth Hunt

1. My name is Beth Hunt, and I am married to my wonderful husband Jason, who is a generational native to Eastern Taney County. Together we share two amazing kids, Weston and Rylee, both of which are Forsyth Panthers just as their daddy was. My husband and I own and operate a local business, Hunt Excavation and Septic. I give full credit to my husband Jason for the success of our business as he is the one who does all the “dirty work” and operates the machinery. My role in our business, while still a crucial one, requires less hands on. I handle the weeks end bookkeeping and creating all our advertisements whether that be on social media or artwork for billboards.

In my personal life I enjoy staying busy… as if being a mom and part business owner isn’t busy enough. For several years I have volunteered at my local fire department and their organization Friends of Cedarcreek. Our department is known for hosting a series of family fun events throughout the summer and we are most known for our Annual Deer Hunter Supper and Silent Auction every November. For years I have volunteered my services creating mailings, flyers and advertisements for special events or recruitment. Out of all my community involvements I am most proud of the services I provide to my local department. I’m honored to help in any way I can, to help support the many men and women who work tirelessly to operate what is the Cedarcreek Fire Protection District and their organization Friends of Cedarcreek which helps run our resale shop that contributes to department operating cost.

Aside from volunteer work, I have served on the Taney County Republican Central Committee for the past four years as Committee Woman for Cedarcreek Township. And I will proudly continue to serve as I refiled March 25 unopposed for my position. I am also excited to share I am one of the newest members of the Taney County Federated Republican Women. I look forward to spending time with such a great group of dedicated women.  These are just three examples of community involvements. My husband and I for years have supported numerous local events in addition to our schools, parks board and members of the Forsyth Area Chamber of Commerce. We believe in staying active in the community that supports us and the community that we love and are proud to raise our children in.

2. My campaign is based on three things: Experience, leadership and devotion. Having worked at our County Clerk’s Office, I have knowledge in elections, voter registration and our county employee retirement fund (C.E.R.F.) as I handled new hire enrollment and prepared those who wished to retire. However, having worked inside our county courthouse I have first-hand experience on how our departments collectively work together. For example, I may have worked inside the clerk’s office, but my involvement with C.E.R.F meant working with both HR for new enrollments and payroll for employee contributions. Another office I have experience with is the office of the Commission as I took minutes during weekly Commission hearings.  Prior to Taney County, my career was mostly spent in business management. I worked for a large retail corporation and my responsibilities included ensuring stores were successful and kept on budget. I’ve learned in order to have a successful business, it first starts with excellent leadership. And I am just that, an excellent leader. I believe anyone who wishes to seek this office should be readily available to serve our public, all our county departments and on a full-time basis. This is an office that requires full attention and devotion, at which I intend on devoting myself fully.

My plan if elected is to take my combined experience from time spent at our county, business management and my ability to lead and willingness to devote to the position, and best represent those who reside in our Eastern District. I look forward to potentially being a commissioner our county officials can come to when needed, and that also goes for employees and the public.

3. I personally feel our state faces similar challenges as our surrounding states do. We need our state officials to fight to keep sanctuary cities out of Missouri. Missouri citizens’ wallets are already facing hardships every day with the raise in cost of living and inflation. It is a daily struggle for some, especially in rural areas where wages and job opportunities are lessor, to afford everyday necessities. The strain that puts on our state economy and resources is devastating, and we cannot allow it. It is not right to those who are citizens, whether through birth or naturalization, who work hard every day to make ends meet, provide for their families and contribute to taxes. I am not a candidate for state office, I am running for local office. However, I hope our state candidates and officials in place feel the same in keeping sanctuary cities out of the State of Missouri.

4. I am the best qualified candidate having the experience we need to manage our county. From my time with Taney County to years in corporate business management, I have the experience. As a registered voter and resident, myself, shouldn’t that be what we look for in those who are seeking office and looking to represent us? Experience and someone who is active in the community they wish to represent. To me personally those qualities speak volumes. Those are qualities that I possess and intend on bringing to the office of the commission.

5. So, in conclusion when August 6 rolls around, I ask voters to please consider experience, consider a candidate who is devoted and willing to work for you full-time. Look for a candidate who gives back to their communities. Because that is the candidate who will best serve our county and residents. And on August 6, I ask voters to consider me, Beth Hunt, for their Eastern District 2 Commissioner.

Taney County Eastern District Commissioner

Jason Davidson

1. I have been a lifelong resident of Eastern Taney County, deeply rooted in this community from birth through education and into my career. With over 30 years of experience at Taney County Road and Bridge, I have gained valuable insights into community development and infrastructure. My commitment extends beyond professional roles; I have actively contributed to our community by serving on the Mark Twain School Board, where I successfully led budget restructuring efforts to sustain educational excellence. Additionally, I own and manage two thriving agri-businesses, demonstrating my entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to economic growth. Having raised my own family here, I intimately understand the educational and economic needs of our community. My wife’s service in the United States Military instills in me a profound respect for our veterans and service members. I look forward to serving the citizens of this great county!

2. Experience. I have worked for the road and bridge department for almost 30 years. This career has led me to develop and foster relationships with many entities and citizens in Taney County. Hard work, I have maintained a full-time job and two agri-businesses successfully through hard work and dedication. I am not afraid to dedicate the hours and strength that are needed to uphold this office. And my greatest reason is my love and desire to serve this community and county. I was raised here and my family as well. I believe in Taney County and want to continue to serve the people I know and love.

3. Our healthcare availability on this side of the county is lacking; one must travel to Branson to have access to the hospital or Urgent Cares. I would like to have discussions with our area healthcare entities and see what can be done to expand more care to this side of the county. On that same line, I think that Nurse Practitioner roles need expansion so that our rural areas will have providers to man these entities; I can influence this statewide issue as a commissioner by talking with our state senators and representatives. Our elderly community needs to be aware of State Bill 756; this bill clarifies State Bill 190. This Bill offers senior citizens over the age of 62 or older who own a home, a freeze on their property tax at the 2024 rate. This bill will put needed cash back into the pockets of our senior citizens through tax savings. I would like to work to continue to simplify this process by making a renewal application easier for our seniors.

4. I am confident that I am the most qualified candidate for several compelling reasons. Foremost among them is my unwavering belief in Taney County and its residents. Over the course of three decades with the Road and Bridge Department, I have diligently served the people of Taney County, fostering invaluable relationships with governmental entities like the Corps of Engineers and state departments to enhance our infrastructure. My tenure on the Mark Twain School Board stands as a testament to my dedication to our community. During my service, I successfully orchestrated budgetary reforms that ensured the continued operation of our vital community school, meeting the educational needs of local children. Unlike other candidates who have indicated their intent to fulfill the minimum requirements of the commissioner role, I am prepared to devote over 40 hours per week to diligently serving the citizens of our county.

5. I am an honest, hard-working citizen of this beautiful county. My promise to our citizens is to ensure that your rights, liberties and beliefs are upheld in all we do as a county. I promise to listen to the people of this county and what THEY desire for our great area. Taney County needs someone willing to put in full-time hours and dedication to ensuring the continued growth of our area, as well as ensuring our land is protected for future generations. I humbly request your vote for Eastern Taney County Commissioner on August 6, 2024. Remember a vote for me is a vote for YOU.

Taney Country Eastern District Commissioner

Cody Pender

1. Cody is a lifetime Taney County resident, business owner for the last 14 years and dutiful land and cattle owner. He is a faithful husband to his loving wife Bethany Pender and devoted father to two daughters. Cody is a God and family focused man. He operates his businesses with integrity and honesty. He is well equipped to handle a complex budget and will be a level headed negotiator when fighting for the best interests of Eastern Taney County residents. Cody is a man firm in his convictions that strives to honor God in all of his decisions and business dealings. Cody will be a qualified fiscally minded candidate that will be financially responsible and community vested. As many of you know, he cares in building relationships with our Taney County residents as seen in his volunteer work, leadership roles and community engagement. We ask for your vote on August 6 for Cody Pender, Eastern Taney Commissioner. Cody is steadfast in his belief that together we can make Eastern Taney County a wonderful place to call our home!

2. STRONG, TRUSTWORTHY VOICE. HONESTY. PROFESSIONALISM. As a resolute and strong, trustworthy voice for the residents of Taney County, I pledge to remain steadfast in my commitment to what is right, even if I am the only one standing. Leveraging my knowledge and experience, I will work towards the betterment of our county. My values and professionalism will guide me as I represent our great county with distinction.

3. Completing initiated projects is crucial to overcoming our challenges. Our focus must be on finishing long-delayed road projects. Addressing the overreach of the Core of Engineers and ensuring gates are open during non-flooded periods is essential. I have consulted with local experts, conducted thorough research and developed a comprehensive plan to address these issues and reach a mutually acceptable agreement for the residents of Eastern Taney County. Another challenge we face is the cleanliness in our area. My plan involves collaborating with the community to clean up our county and maintain its beauty. Together, we can create a better environment for our citizens.

4. I possess strong leadership skills, in-depth knowledge of construction, budget management proficiency, the ability to build and motivate teams, a strong sense of integrity, and the ability to truly listen to our citizens.

5. On August 6, I ask for the opportunity to earn your vote. My character is built on a foundation of integrity, faith and honesty, making me a suitable candidate for this position. I am committed to putting the needs of Taney County above all else and fighting for its best interests. I have a deep affection for our community, and I am dedicated to serving, maintaining and improving it for future generations. Your vote on August 6 would be a great endorsement of my candidacy.

Taney County Eastern District Commissioner

Travys Saffle

1. We are long-time Eastern Taney County residents of over 32 years. My wife Alissa Newton Saffle and I just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary and 20 years in business in Forsyth at Encore Fashion Exchange. We have raised our four children together and sadly only have two remaining at home who currently attend School of the Ozarks. We have investments in Taney County and are proud to call the Ozarks home. Over the years I’ve lived just outside of Taneyville, in Forsyth, Kirbyville, almost to Bradleyville and I’ve made investments in all these communities over the years to include Merriam Woods, Hollister and Branson because I believe in investing in my backyard, which is Eastern Taney County. We’ve attended Taneyville Apostolic, First Baptist Forsyth, Bryant Ridge and Brookside Churches over the years. We have always been in church, serving everywhere we have attended.

2. Prioritizing essential services while minimizing unnecessary bureaucracy, ensuring every tax payer’s dollar is efficiently and effectively utilized. Advocating for community collaboration, partnerships and moderate growth while preserving our hometown values and way of life. Restoring relationships and faith in leadership, by holding Taney County to a higher standard in stewardship, and professional conduct.

3. Eastern Taney County seems to have always had to get by on the crumbs of Branson and the West side of the county. It’s time to make some changes: Lack of infrastructure, not much for our youth, families, or elderly on this side of the county. Improve public safety and transportation. We lack training, resources, equipment and personnel to adequately serve our county to its fullest potential. We’re still below the poverty level, lacking job opportunities, housing options, and educational resources so we can break the cycles and change the next generation.

4. I am the only candidate posting my resume like I’m applying for the job because I am. The voters of Eastern Taney County deserve the most qualified candidate for the job, with a proven track record, a plan and ability to execute.

My qualifications and attributing skill sets make me the most suitable candidate for the position. My resume as a local business owner and active investor in our community for over 20 years highlights my abilities, knowledge and expertise in business, investments, financial acumen and leadership skills. Estimating and overseeing of multiple construction projects running concurrently on time and within budget, coordinating with corporate, site managers, home owners, clients, foremen and laborers. I have extensive experience with hiring and firing, screening and interviews with independent contractors, and pay roll. My unique background as an entrepreneur consists of a combination of the construction industry, sales, acquisitions, financial planning, risk management and additional qualifications that I am confident would easily transfer and complement the position of Eastern Commissioner.

I’ve always taken pride in my work, and I strive to produce great results that address my clients’ needs and wants. I would be humbled and honored to serve once elected and to receive YOUR VOTE! I am blessed to be in the position I am in, and I am ready, willing and able to serve the people of Eastern Taney County full-time and then some. I haven’t punched a clock in a long time, but I always get the jobs done.

5. Christian. Conservative. Your public servant. If you’ve lost faith in our system or our leadership and you want your voice back! We can do together! My credentials and character throughout the community will carry my campaign. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve our community and your consideration to trust me with your vote on August 6.

Taney County Eastern District Commissioner

Richard Fordyce

1. My name is Richard Fordyce. I am a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran and past business owner. I owned and operated Raintree Disposal for 28 years. We sold the business last year and have since retired.

2. I believe that my campaign is based on honesty and strong voice for all Taney County persons and great passion to serve people.

3. The main challenge that the eastern side faces is the infrastructure - mainly the road in and out of Forsyth. The highway of 160 and F highway needs to be addressed; whether we want new commerce or not, it has become a very dangerous road.

4. I have leadership skills that can bring all of us to a great future.

5. We should vote someone in this office that has no business or family ties to the county. We need someone that can put all of our interest first. Someone that knows how to run a business while showing compassion to those they work for.

Taney County Eastern District Commissioner

Chuck Hurst

1. Forsyth graduate, married for 31 years, have two children and five grandchildren. Retired after working for Taney County Road and Bridge for 29 years. Worked for Bradleyville School as athletic director and high school girls basketball coach. Have a Master’s Degree in Sports Management with an emphasis in administration.

2. Campaign is based off of honesty, moral values and a passion for our county.

3. Top challenges are infrastructure expansion and population increase. Trying to balance the fine line of what the Eastern half of the county needs and what it doesn’t need. I believe the best decision is made by asking the people who are directly impacted by these expansions or rezoning. I want to open up a better line of communication between the public and the commission.

4. I feel that what makes me the best qualified candidate for this position is my 29 years of service with the Road and Bridge, combined with a master’s degree. No other candidate has the experience and education I offer.

5. I believe in protecting our quality of life and Taney County’s values. I will always put our community before politics and will never back down for defending our conservative values. I would greatly appreciate your vote on August 6.

Stone County Northern Associate Commissioner

Wayne Blades

1. I grew up in North Stone County on a farm south of Crane as a fifth generation North Stone County resident. I have lived most of my adult life on a farm north of Crane. I attended Crane Schools grades one-12. I have taken various classes to assist me in computer skills, sales, management and marketing. I am married to my wife of 50 years, Marchia Johnson Blades. We have four daughters, four sons-in-law and 11 grandchildren. Until 1994, I was self-employed as a farmer and a greenhouse/nursery/landscape business owner.

1994-1999 Ozark Empire Fair as Agriculture/Events Director

1999-2001 Wickmans Garden Village as General Manager

2001– Branson USA as Assistant General Manager

2002-2018 Palen Music Centers as Outside Sales/New client recruitment

2019-Present Stone County Northern Commissioner

2008-Present Pastor of Hilltop Church in Crane

Presently, I continue to own and operate a farm raising cattle and hay. I was selected by the Stone County Republican Central Committee in December of 2018 for recommendation to fill an opening created by then Northern Commissioner Mark Maples, who won the Presiding Commissioner race. I was appointed after background checks and a Senate hearing by Governor Mike Parson to the two-year unexpired term. I was elected to a full-term in 2020.

2. I have always loved to serve my community in whatever way I can. I believe there’s more to do! During my years of service as Northern Commissioner, the Stone County Commission has helped law enforcement by increasing funding through presenting Prop P to the voters, upgrading the radio system to allow instant communication with other area and state agencies, and helped deputies to be inside all Stone County schools. We’ve upgraded election security to assure no election tampering. We’ve passed a property tax freeze for seniors. Our roads continue to be upgraded from gravel to hard surface and we’ve replaced two deficient bridges in the last six years. I still have work to do!

I plan to use my experience and passion to continue to work with the other commissioners and county elected officials to provide the best services possible within our means for Stone County residents. A lot of things are on that list like roads, law enforcement, economic development and access to reliable internet to name a few. We as a commission need to make certain as Stone County grows that county government remains as responsive as possible to assist responsible growth while at the same time balancing that progress with the preservation of the character, values and beauty that makes Stone County so attractive to others.

3. Growth is both a blessing and a challenge. Stone County runs on sales tax. It funds roads, law enforcement and provides a large part of our funding for the rest of the county. Tourism drives that. Our lake, our streams and our attractions are top notch! The challenge is to support those revenue streams by infrastructure in roads, lodging and places to eat and shop. We have to plan to do that without changing the attractiveness of the area.

Another important area is diversifying our economy so it is not mostly tourism based. I been interested in that since I took office. My area in North Stone County still has a number of farms and small communities that have residents commuting out of the county to find career jobs. I’d like to see a return to local jobs if possible, and I am willing to work with local leaders to help make that happen. One part of this is affordable housing. We have a great Vo-Tech Center in Reeds Spring to train local Stone County youth from various area schools for almost any industry!

4. I am the only candidate with county commissioner experience. I am the only candidate who has helped develop Stone County budgets. I am the only candidate who has completed the annual county commissioner training. I also believe my background of service has helped. I served with school board members and administrators for 10 years. I served as chairman for the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Committee, served as a member of the corporate committee for a dairy cooperative, served as a 4-H leader, a member of the county ASCS committee, ran youth camps, managed several employees, developed and carried out contracts, budgets and worked with people to accomplish goals in a variety of situations. Currently, I am serving on the Stone County Extension Council, as the area county commissioner representative on the Southwest Missouri Council of Governments Executive Committee, cemetery board trustee, trustee for an area church campground and serve as general superintendent of a group of area churches.

5. I can run on a record of experience, not a resume of what might be. In the last five-and-one-half years I’ve had direct oversight of two-thirds of the county-maintained roads - 400 miles. North Stone has two of the three divisions of Road and Bridge, North and Central. It has most of the bridges in the county system and two-thirds of the Road and Bridge employees - 22. For the last three years, I’ve also had the responsibility of direct oversight of building and grounds maintenance and building janitorial employees and budget. I have listened to many concerns, helped in any way possible, worked with all offices and departments and attempted to build bridges not walls between county government and residents. When reelected, I will continue to listen and respond to your concerns and help in any way possible! I have no problem asking for your vote on August 6 to keep doing the good work of the last six years for another term!

The Branson Globe was unable to make contact with Deana Wolfe, candidate for Norther Associate Commissioner for Stone County.

Stone County Southern Associate Commissioner

Hank Smythe

1. I am a life-long resident of Stone County, growing up in Reeds Spring. I have been married to my wife Karen for 49 years. We have one daughter and two granddaughters. I ran my own business in Stone County for 47 years. I served on Planning and Zoning for 22 years and board of adjustments for two years. I also served on the Reeds Spring School Board for six years as well as various other boards and committees throughout the years.

2. Honesty, hard work and dedication

3. Workforce and affordable housing: The county commission along with other businesses have joined forces with the Table Rock Lake Chamber of Commerce to work on economic development throughout Stone County. We definitely need the affordable housing in order to attract a workforce for the county.

4. I have eight years of experience as the Southern Stone County Commissioner. Through those years I have formed good working relationships with state elected officials and their staff members as well as maintaining a good working relationship with Stone County’s elected officials and department heads.

5. I am proud to be a lifelong resident of Stone County and to be able to serve the citizens as one of their commissioners. I take this job very seriously and will continue to give 110% to everyone in the county. Thank you for your support, and I would appreciate your vote on August 6.

The Branson Globe reached out to Al Worley, candidate for Stone County Southern Associate Commissioner, but did not receive a response.


The Branson Globe staff encourages you to make your voice heard in the August 6 election as you head to the polls and vote for the candidates of your choice. It is our hope that we have helped you make informed decisions regarding your vote. Best of luck to all of the candidates.

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