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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake call for nonprofit grant applications

Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake, a local nonprofit organization engaged in fundraising to support charitable and humanitarian community projects, is pleased to announce that applications are being accepted for their 2025 grant funding. NFTRL encourages nonprofit agencies in Stone and Taney counties to apply for grants offered by the organization.


In the past 13 years, Neighbors and Friends’ fundraisers have raised over $600,000 for grants supporting the arts, youth programs, training initiatives, food banks, literary programs and other essential community need projects (e.g., diaper banks). Interested agencies in the identified counties may apply for 2025 grant money if they meet the following criteria:


·       Are an active 501(c)(3) organization or under the umbrella of an active 501(c)(3); designed to meet existing or emerging community needs;

·       Show program sustainability;

·       Serve Stone and/or Taney County; and

·       Do not require clients/recipients to participate in religious training or practice a particular religious faith. Programs with a political affiliation are not eligible.


Neighbors and Friends looks forward to receiving grant applications for up to $5,000 by August 1, 2024, from nonprofit organizations that meet the criteria.


Further information about the grant program and applications for grants may be found at the organizational website:


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