Discover the path to a more fulfilling life by joining us for Elevate Life at Elevate Branson, 310 Gretna Road, Branson. The first Thursday of each month we will pack and deliver meals to weekly and extended stay motels. The second, third, fourth and fifth Thursdays of the month from 6 to 8 p.m., Elevate Life offers a welcoming and inclusive environment to help you grow. Elevate Life is a group of people exploring life’s deeper questions and empowering each other to navigate through life’s challenges and joys.
Join us and take the first step towards a brighter future—together, as we dive into meaningful conversations about the essence of life, purpose and personal growth, and elevate your life to new heights.
Free meal and childcare provided. Call 417-239-7818 before 4 p.m. on Thursdays to arrange transportation.
Get involved and make a difference!
Call 417-335-9915 or email to learn more about volunteer opportunities where your time and talents can empower others to reach their full potential.