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Burlison Brief

Rob Doherty

This week, the House reauthorized section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) after a contentious battle. Originally, Congress enacted Section 702 of FISA to surveil foreigners abroad, not Americans. However, federal agencies, like the FBI, have abused this power and used it to spy on many, including President Trump, members of Congress, and millions of Americans. 


Spying on the American people without a warrant is unacceptable. That’s why many of us refused to reauthorize Section 702 without significant reforms. On Friday, I voted for an amendment requiring that law enforcement obtain a warrant before searching Americans’ communications, a crucial protection that unfortunately wasn’t adopted. In the end, I voted against the reauthorization of section 702 because the bill didn’t have the reforms necessary to protect the American people’s rights. We need real reform, not just lip service. 


Oversight Committee work

This week, the Oversight Committee marked up several bills aimed at stopping the Biden Administration’s far-left takeover of America. One of the most important bills we considered - which I co-sponsored - adds a citizenship question to the census. At a time when Democrats are importing millions of illegal aliens, it's crucial we secure our elections and ensure only Americans are represented in the House of Representatives and through the Electoral College. 


The Oversight Committee held a hearing on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), during which FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf testified. I had the opportunity to question him about the FDA’s disastrous policies, specifically the propaganda disseminated by the agency during the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused panic and eroded our freedoms. 



Fresh Freedom podcast

On this week’s episode of the Fresh Freedom podcast, Congressman Andrew Clyde joined as a special guest. We discussed FISA reauthorization, his time in the military, and what it’s like being a conservative in the D.C. Swamp. 


Fresh Freedom is available on YouTube, Rumble, Apple Podcast and Spotify. 


Meeting with constituents

This week, I met with students from Missouri State University and University of Missouri – Kansas City, the Missouri Dental Association, the Missouri Alzheimer’s Association, and the Missouri Association of Insurance Agents. 


It was great to be back in our nation's capital meeting with constituents and groups who are doing important work for our great state. 

2024 Congressional Art Competition


The deadline for the 2024 Congressional Art Competition is quickly approaching. My office is accepting submissions until Monday, April 22. I strongly encourage students in grades nine through twelve to participate.  To submit artwork for the competition:  

·       Email the completed Student Release Form found at this link: and a high-resolution JPEG photograph of your art piece to

Questions about the competition can be directed to Chris from my team at or by calling her in my Joplin office at 417-781-1041.


Need help with a federal agency?

If you are having a problem getting a timely answer from a federal agency or feel like you've been treated unfairly, my office may be able to help.


My office helps constituents with issues involving the VA, the IRS, Social Security, the State Department, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and other federal agencies. 


To learn more and submit a request for help with a federal agency, go to

Tours and tickets

As constituents of Missouri's 7th Congressional District, you may request tickets and tours for the White House and U.S. Capitol. Tickets are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis so get your tickets in early!


Use this link:

to request tours and tickets!


Are you or someone you know interested in a career in public service? We have opportunities in my Joplin, Springfield, and Washington offices. Go to this link: to learn more about our internship program and apply today!

And that's it for the Burlison Brief!


If you know someone that isn't subscribed, send them over to!



Eric Burlison


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