Remember the Fallen. Honor those who Serve. Teach the next generation. These are the goals of the Wreaths Across America program. The Taneycomo Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution along with the Ozark Mountain Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, and the Forsyth High School JROTC, participated in a wreath dedication ceremony on December 14, 2024, at Snapp Cemetery in Forsyth to say “thank you” to our worthy veterans and all military personnel.

The year 2024 is the 18th year Wreaths Across America the nonprofit has existed, and in that time, it has grown to include more than 4,700 participating locations and more than 7,000 sponsorship groups nationwide. From 1992 to 2006, 5,000 veterans’ wreaths have been placed at Arlington National Cemetery as a thank you to all those who enabled us to be free. The DAR, SAR and JROTC were proud to honor and show our gratitude to these veterans and military with this special ceremony.
The Forsyth JROTC also led a flag retirement ceremony for the flag at Snapp and replaced it with a new flag. This group did a marvelous job with this assignment and are to be highly commended.
We are grateful to all who attended this event, despite the inclement weather.
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